R2K Gauteng to picket outside the Johannesburg Central Police Station!

On Thursday 24th November 2016, R2K Gauteng will picket outside the Johannesburg Central Police Station from 10am. The picket is undertaken to highlight serious concerns related to police brutality during marches/protests by various civil society organisations (including students) over the past year. More especially, the completely unnecessary violence that has been often meted out against women protesters. In the past months we have witnessed many incidents of police brutalising female students and other women in marches/protest.

As our country will be marking the 16 Days of Activism against violence on women and children, R2K wants to once again raise our voice to say that we fully support the right of all South Africans, highlighting women and the youth, to engage in protest free of police violence. In doing so, we also acknowledge that protesters should not themselves engage in wanton and criminal acts of violence.

As R2K, we have consistently raised the right to protest with SAPS as well as in broader society for many years. Part of that right, is the right for protesters to be treated by SAPS with respect, to be allowed to protest without being victimised.

We invite the public and the media to join our picket on the 24th of November 2016, in front of the Johannesburg Central Police Station from 10AM to 12PM.

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