Events: Join the call to Stop the Secret Nuclear Deal

Join the call to Stop the Secret Nuclear Deal!

Next week, social justice organisations are finally getting their day in court to challenge the secretive process behind South Africa’s proposed Nuclear Deal.

This follows years of secret decision and a lack of public consultation, opening the door to massive corruption on a R1-trillion deal that could bankrupt the country.

R2K supports the court case brought by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA) and the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) to uncover the secrets surrounding the Nuclear Deal. Their case is set down to be heard on 13 and 14 December 2016 at the Western Cape High Court. Find out more about their case, and donate to the legal costs, at

How can you support?

Join us!

Thursday 8 December
Durban Public meeting
Austerville Civic Centre
For more info, contact Desmond D’Sa: 031 461 1991

Tuesday 13 December
Cape Town: Picket at the Western Cape High Court
8am onwards
35 Keerom Street
For more info, contact SAFCEI office: 021 701 8145 or Vainola Makan (Right2Know): 062 014 4969
Note: this picket is scheduled to continue on 14 December

Tuesday 13 December
Johannesburg: Picket at the Eskom Megawatt Park
10am onwards
1 Maxwell Drive, Sandton
For more info, contact General Moyo: 0715290675

Wednesday 14 December
Durban: Picket outside the Department of Mineral Resources
10h00 – 12h00

For more information contact:
Des D’Sa (SDCEA): (031) 461 1991
Precious Mazibuko (Right2Know): 084 023 8053

We call for an end to this nuclear secrecy and demand a transparent and accountable process. The people have a right2know!

Want to show your support? 
Change your Facebook profile pic to show your support. Click here.

What’s wrong with the Nuclear Deal?
Download R2K’s pamphlet here.

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