R2K Champions 2017: Advocate Thuli Madonsela

2017-r2k-calendar-print-4Madonsela served as the Public Protector of South Africa from 19 October 2009 to 14 October 2016. As a public servant she was vital in exposing state capture and tackling abuses of power, facing repeated threats as a result of her work.

Soweto-born, Madonsela was South Africa’s third Public Protector. The office of the Public Protector is an independent and impartial chapter nine institution tasked with investigating complaints of maladministration in Governmental agencies and institutions.

The office gained prominence after Madonsela took office and investigated complaints regarding public spending on President Jacob Zuma’s homestead in Nkandla. Her final report found that President Zuma had benefited unduly from the R246 million spent by the state on the Nkandla upgrades. During this period she faced various criticisms and opposition by members of the ruling party, and even reportedly received threats against her life.

On her last day in office, Madonsela released a State Capture report, which exposed major dirty deals between the Guptas and senior government officials. The report also indicated that President Zuma may have violated the Executive Ethics Code by sharing information about the appointment of ministers with the Gupta family.

For these brave acts, and for the important public attention and recognition she brought to the office of the public protector, R2K celebrates Thuli Madonsela and her commitment to transparency.

Read more here.

Madonsela is featured in the 2017 Champions for the Right to Know Calendar.

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