On Budget Day, the Trillion Rand Nuclear Deal is back in Court!

Stop Nuke DealOn Wednesday, 22 February, social justice organisations are taking to the streets and the court to demand an end to the secret processes around South Africa’s biggest ever procurement deal: the R1 Trillion proposed Nuclear Deal.

In December last year when this case was first brought before the Cape High Court, the Department of Energy sprung last minute changes in the procurement processes before the court, leading the postponement of the case so that ESKOM could join the case, and the costs of postponement born by the DoE.

This follows years of secret decision-making and a lack of public consultation, opening the door to massive corruption that could bankrupt the country.

Wednesday will also mark the 2017 Annual Budget Speech at Parliament. For years we have seen service delivery issues take a back seat to massive spending that does not improve the living standards of ordinary South Africans. The Nuclear Deal will be the biggest procurement South Africa has ever seen, and will lead to increases in electricity pricing and minimal job creation in comparison to other energy options, unless we unite to stop this outrageous expenditure. We demand a people’s budget!

Join R2K and partner organisations as we march in Cape Town and Johannesburg against these secret tender processes!

Cape Town:

22 February, 08h15 – 13h30

Cape Town Parliament to Cape High Court

The march will start at Parliament and 09h00 and proceed to the Cape High Court, where we will stay vigilant outside of the court case, and have a short feedback and speak out at 12h30

For more information contact: Vainola Makan (0620144969) or Siphokazi Pangalele (0619467147)


22 February, 10h00 – 11h00

ESKOM MegaWatt Park, Sunninghill

For more information contact: Ntombiyebongo Tshabalala (0827103138) or Sandile Nombeni (0617545449)

R2K supports the court case brought by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA) and the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) to uncover the secrets surrounding the Nuclear Deal. The case is set down to be heard on 22 Febryary 2017 at the Western Cape High Court. Find out more about their case, and donate to the legal costs, at www.nuclearcostssa.org.





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