Let’s blow the whistle on rape culture!

Youth DayOver the past few months the awareness of the overwhelming abuse and killing of womxn and girls has increasingly come to the fore. Several horrific cases have been widely reported and many brave womxn have spoken out about the abuse they have experienced and continue to face on a daily basis.

This is a national crisis and at the very least, requires all of us to speak out louder and stronger against the culture of rape and abuse that plagues our country.

We must break the culture of rape and abuse! We must break the culture of silence! Let’s join together to blow the whistle!  

As Right2Know Gauteng, we would like to invite you to join us on the eve of Youth Day, to speak out. The sad reality is that we are not yet safe. Despite the efforts of some good police men and women, as a whole, we cannot trust the police to protect us. Likewise, we still cannot trust either the Minister of Police or the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities to respect victims and to take the crisis we are facing seriously and act accordingly.

We will gather at 10h00AM at Morris Isaacson Secondary School and will march to the Hector Pieterson Memorial, where we have requested the Minister of Police and the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities to accept our memorandum of demands and respond forthwith.

We need all of the police to do their jobs. We need politicians to carry out their political and constitutional mandates, to stop making excuses and start leading from the front and by example. We need to know what the police and the politicians are planning to do to address this national crisis, to bring the perpetrators to book and to keep women and children safe.

Join us:

Thursday, 15 June 2017

10h00 – 14h00

Morris Isaacson Secondary School (Mphuthi St, Central Jabavu, Soweto) to Hector Pieterson Memorial

*Please wear black.

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