R2K KZN: Ex-Transnet workers to picket outside Transnet depots and offices in Durban

Ex-Transnet workers to picket outside Transnet depots and offices in Durban

From Monday 10 July, R2K KZN will join ex-Transnet workers on a mass roll of pickets outside various Transnet depots and offices in protest at Transnet’s non-response to their demands. See background to their struggle here.

R2K KZN will be in solidarity with the workers in their struggle as they demand information to protect their rights and win basic reforms in the workplace.

A memorandum of demands was submitted to Transnet on 7 June. A follow-up letter was issued on 20 June. To date there has been no reply. The workers are dealing with a management that doesn’t care about them.

We are calling for all workers of Transnet to rally behind these workers and defends workers rights!

Below are the ex-Transet workers’ demands that Transnet has yet to respond to:
● We demand to be reinstated
● We demand back pay
● We demand to be employed on a permanent basis, no contract/end of outsourcing
● Recognition of year service
● Compensation of the deceased
● Review of retirement
● Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
● Equal work, pay and treatment

Members of the media are invited to cover the pickets:

Date: Monday, 10 July 2017
Time: 05h30 – 08h00
Venue: 100 Eel Road, Bayhead – Behind Umbilo Train station

Date: Monday, 10 July 2017
Time: 08h00 – 10h00
Venue: Rossburgh – Mayden Wharf Road

Date: Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Time: 05h30 – 08h00
Venue: Transnet Engineering, Bluff – Edwin Swales Drive

Date: Thursday, 14 July 2017
Time: 07h30 – 10h00
Venue: Transnet Queens office, Mahatma Gandhi Rd, Point, Durban

For more information contact:
Bheki Phungula : 073 834 8717
Mbuso Ntuli : 079 480 1603
Bheki Khumalo: 073 383 5749
Thabo Maile (R2K KZN Provincial member): 078 119 4257

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