eThekwini tries to ban R2K KZN’s Marikana march

eThekwini tries to ban R2K KZN’s Marikana march

Today the Right2Know KZN is holding a Marikana commemoration march to the Umlazi police station. This is part of a series of country-wide solidarity events marking five years since the Marikana massacre, to deliver a memorandum of demands to end police brutality, respect the right to protest, and bring justice for the victims of the Marikana massacre.

In full knowledge that this is a protest action about the right to protest, the eThekwini Metro Police have tried to ’ban’ the march from taking place, stating that it has not been ‘approved’ by the City Manager.

R2K KZN followed the procedures set out in the Regulation of Gatherings Act: five days ago, we gave notice to the municipality of our intention to march.

It is clear that eThekwini Municipality wants communities to follow a bureaucratic process before they can protest, and that process is out of line even with the Regulation of Gatherings Act, which is already too bureaucratic. We will not accept undermining of our basic right to protest in memory of those murdered in Marikana.

Therefore the march is going ahead. We have informed the municipality of our rights, and informed them that their decision to prohibit the march was unlawful. (Letter attached.)

R2K KZN will not be deterred and will continue to fight for justice for Marikana, and to fight for the right to protest in the communities of Durban.

Ongazi Makazi!

Route details: The march will assembly at 09:00 am at GG Umlazi hall and proceeds from 10:00 to Umlazi SAPS station were a memorandum of demands will be delivered. The protest will finish at 13:00.

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