R2K Statement: Public comment on SABC Board candidates must be extended

R2K notes that the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications has published the full CVs of shortlisted SABC Board Candidates on parliament’s website, after calls by R2K to make the CV’s public. R2K encourages members of the public to scrutinise these CVs and submit comments because public participation in the appointment of public officers ensures that suitable candidates are appointed and the public broadcaster is held to account.   

However, we are concerned that the committee has, thus far, refused to heed R2K’s call to extend the timeline for public comment. It is noteworthy that in this case, the portfolio committee is in contradiction with precedence set by other portfolio committees in the appointment of public officers.

Given that the Portfolio Committee on Communications only released the full CVs of the shortlisted candidates at the end of day on Thursday 24 August, the set deadline of Tuesday 29 August effectively means that the public has been given only 3 working days. R2K hereby reiterates the call for the timeline for public comment on shortlisted SABC Board candidates to be extended in order to allow the full participation of the people. The Committee on Communications should consider a revised timeline of at least 7 working days for public comment.

The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications should  do the  right thing and allow the people to fully own and shape the board of the public broadcaster.

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