Right2Know 2018 Summits: Democracy in Action!

Calling all Right2Know Campaign supporters!

Join us at this critical moment in SA’s democracy and contribute to shaping the strategy for the Right2Know’s work on freedom of expression, protest,information access, secrecy, surveillance, media transformation, and #datamustfall.

Provincial Summits will review the Campaign and chart the way forward, elect provincial leadership (and in Gauteng and Western Cape) elect delegations to the National Summit.

At the National Summit delegates will engage the outcomes of Provincial Summits, adopt at revised strategic framework for 2018/9 and elect our national leadership.


  • KwaZulu Natal Summit: 4 – 5 February 2018
  • Western Cape Summit:  9 – 10 February 2018. INFO: Vainola Makan, 062 014 4969.
  • Gauteng Summit: 12 – 13 February 2018, INFO: Ntombiyebongo Tshabalala, 082 710 3138.

Please indicate your interest in joining your Provincial Summit here (or on the form below) and we will send you further details.

Also please consider serving in our provincial and/or national leadership (details of national nomination process here)

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