R2K Statement: Moerane Commission – We demand transparency!

R2K is disturbed to learn that the Moerane Commission of Inquiry has refused to release its transcripts to the public and to the media. We demand transparency in all issues pertaining to the Moerane Commission of Inquiry especially in accessing transcripts and ultimately the report of the Commission!

The Moerane Commission of Inquiry was established on 31 October 2016 by KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Willies Mchunu to investigate the underlying causes of political killings in KwaZulu-Natal. While hearings have concluded, the Commission’s report is still pending.

The Right2Know Campaign is concerned that journalists have been denied access to transcripts of the Moerane Commission. This is an aberration to the founding values of South Africa’s constitutional democracy which  is founded on accountability, transparency and responsiveness.

We are further concerned that the Premier’s office has made contradictory statements about whether or not the Commission’s  report will be released to the public when it is finalised.

We believe that information is the life-blood of South Africa’s constitutional democracy. It is  through access to information that the values in our Constitution can truly be respected, promoted and protected. As citizens we cannot hold government, corporations and individuals accountable if we are not able to access crucial information.

A spokesperson for the Moerane Commission has claimed that the transcripts are being withheld to protect witnesses. We reject this claim, since the transcripts are of testimonies made in a public forum.

It is the right of the citizens of this country to be privy to such records and that right should be upheld by all institutions and structures of this country. We also remind the Moerane Commission that the hearings were funded by the public, pertaining to issues of great importance to the public. The Right2Know Campaign therefore demands that the transcripts be made public!

For more information contact:

Mluleki Marongo, R2K Access to Information Organiser: 078 105 8802

Lazola Kati, R2K KZN Organiser: 072 956 7753

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