R2K Statement on State Security budget vote

R2K notes the promises from Minister of State Security Letsatsi-Duba to reform the State Security Agency and improve oversight over the spooks. These promises include the establishment of a review of the intelligence structures, efforts to increase the independence of the Inspector General of Intelligence, and efforts to restore the credibility of the intelligence structures.

These would be welcome changes, but they are long overdue. We have seen the securocrats run amok, spying on activists, whistleblowers and journalists, hiding behind secrecy, and engaged in widespread corruption.

We cannot celebrate the promises, until we see delivery on these promises. It has been a full ten years since the Matthews Commission called for urgent reforms to the laws, structures and activities of the intelligence structures to prevent unconstitutional activities. Instead of implementing those urgent reforms, Cabinet discarded the Matthews Commission report and refused to acknowledge its findings. (Download it here: https://r2k.org.za/matthews-commission.)

Ten years of abuses have followed.

We demand:

  • Urgent implementation of the reforms called for by the Matthews Commission;
  • An end to surveillance of activists, whistleblowers and journalists;
  • Greater transparency and oversight in the State Security structures, especially of its budget;
  • Full independence and proper funding for the Inspector General of Intelligence;
  • Release of all investigative reports of the Inspector General of Intelligence from the past ten years;
  • Parliament’s intelligence committee must hold open meetings;
  • Criminal proceedings of all of members of the intelligence structures who have been found to engage in illegal activities, including former Director General Arthur Fraser.

Furthermore we are shocked that the Minister has sought to revive the Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill, which promises to regulate social media and criminalise messages which the state deems to be ‘fake news’. This is a Mahlobo-era Bill that undermines internet freedom and promotes surveillance. We continue to demand the Bill be withdrawn.

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