Workshop on Copyright Reform (Thurs 24 May)

Date: Thursday 24 May 2018

Time: 17h30 – 19h30

Location: Code for Africa, 84 Shortmarket St, 3rd Floor, Cape Town

ReCreate South Africa, Wikimedia ZA, Code for Africa and R2K Western Cape invite you to a meeting to discuss the public and creator interests in the pending Copyright Amendment Bill now being considered by Parliament.

South Africa copyright laws are being amended now, including consideration of whether South Africa will develop a “fair use” right that has been crucial to the development of creative and technology sectors in the U.S., Israel, Singapore, Korea and other countries. It is a crucial time to understand the options before Parliament and how to be engaged.

This workshop will feature presentations on the current state of the reform process by members of ReCreate, a coalition of South African creators engaging in the reform debates.

Professor Sean Flynn, an American academic, will present recent research on the public interest impact of the globalisation of the so-called “fair use” right in copyright law.

The meeting will include discussion of how you can get your voice included in the reform process.

Kindly RSVP to to indicate your attendance.

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