Call for Nominations: Champions of the Right to Know

The Right2Know Campaign is producing an annual Champions for the Right to Know calendar celebrating people and organisations that have made an important contribution to advancing our right to know.

Please help us identify people and organisations that have championed the right to know in 2017/2018. We are looking for comrades and friends that can inspire others to stand for the right to know.

Nomination Criteria:

  • Fought for and won access to information vital to advancing important socio-economic battles?
  • Confronted the securitisation of the state or championed the right to protest?
  • Whistleblowers who, at personal risk, have brought important information to the public’s attention?
  • Courageous investigative journalists and media producers that have broken important stories or contributed significantly to media diversity in SA?

Please nominate your right to know champion/s by completing this form or by sending an email to with (1) your name and contacts, (2) the name/contacts of the person/s or organisation/s you want to nominate, and (3) a sentence or two about why you think the Person/Organisation is a champion of the right to know in 2017/2018 (4) If possible please also include a short bio of the nominee.

Deadline for nominations is Friday 7 September 2018.  

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