In solidarity with Zimbabwean human rights’ NGOs and social movements, the undersigned organisations calls for former president Kgalema Motlanthe to prevent attempts to whitewash the commission of inquiry into the killing of unarmed civilians by the Zimbabwean military.

We have noted with concern, the initial attempts by government to block non-state media from reporting on the commission. We also share the criticisms identified by the  Zimbabwe Human Rights’ NGO forum that the commission needs to do far more to ensure a credible, transparent process: providing open access to media, creating a space for public participation (a room for 50 is totally unacceptable) and genuinely to examine the conduct of Zimbabwe’s soldiers.

This is essential if the commission is to achieve the purpose set out by Zimbabwe’s new president in his terms of reference.

President Motlanthe is well placed to ensure this, as chair of the Commission of Inquiry and as a statesman on the continent. With immediate effect he should demand the inquiry to ensure the following:

  • A full investigation into who gave the command to send soldiers and for them to shoot to kill;
  • Examine the use of military in other incidents of post-election violence noted by various observer missions in the first two weeks of August;
  • Publish the Commission’s timetable and process for the sake of transparency;
  • Provide for another round of submissions and witnesses – as there are many witnesses who have not had an opportunity yet to testify;
  • President Motlanthe to provide his own email address or an alternative email address as people are concerned that the Secretariat are controlling what evidence gets to the Commission (Or to confirm that he personally has direct access to the COI email address provided so that he can confirm that he is receiving all submissions);
  • Publish a transcript of the public hearings.

President Motlanthe should ensure that the inquiry is a space where families of victims can achieve justice, and that a set of recommendations emerges from this process that holds those responsible to account.


Endorsed by: R2K and the Zim Human Rights’ NGO Forum

For more information contact:

Dale McKinley,  R2K NWG Member: 072 429 4086

Zim Human Rights’ NGO Forum: +263 772 151 989

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