R2K Champions 2019: #GuptaLeaks Whistleblowers

Leaked over 100 000 emails exposing corruption and state capture surrounding the Gupta family. 

The #GuptaLeaks whistleblowers, who are currently known by their pseudonyms, ‘John’ and ‘Stan’, provided over 100 000 emails to investigative journalists which exposed widespread corruption between state institutions and the Gupta family. The emails were released to the AmaBhungane and Daily Maverick teams and resulted in a series of investigative articles that showed the extent of state capture, level of coordination of corrupt relationships and extent to which people were compromised and institutions were corroded by personal vested interests.

When Stan and John leaked the emails, they were forced to flee the country with their families to ensure their safety. They remain outside of the country, and anonymous, and have not been able to disclose how they came into possession of the documents for fear of physical harm. Their brave actions have played a big role in exposing the depth of state capture and have been an essential resource in the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

Read more about the whistleblowers here.

The #GuptaLeaks whistleblowers are featured on the 2019 Champions for the Right2Know Calendar.

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