On Press freedom day the Right2Know says “Hands Off Our Media”

The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day, to raise awareness on the importance of freedom of press and remind governments to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression enshrined under Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Marking the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, a statement of free press principles put together by African newspaper journalists in Windhoek in 1991.

2019 Context  Politicians vs Journalists

This year’s theme is “Hands off our Media”. This year we celebrate press freedom day with many examples to look back on, the year has been challenging already in terms of press freedom. This year we have seen the case between EFF deputy chairperson Floyd Shivambu and netwerk24 Journalist Adrian De Kock continue without resolution, we have in the past year seen the violation and blatant intimidation of Jacques Pauw the Author of the book the Presidents Keepers. More recently we have experienced the minister of communication attempt to direct what the SABC public broadcaster what to broadcast. We have seen members of the ANC Youth League attempt to sabotage the book launch of  Pieter- Louis Myburgh’s Gangster State.

Abuse and Arrests of Journalists

We are in an era where even in Africa and beyond the arrest and murder of journalists is rising. In 2018 alone. In 2018 alone 94 reported deaths occurred globally, the majority of which occurred with the journalists on the job. The abuse and intimidation of journalists have seen us a global community witness the victimization of press freedom activists such as Julian Assange, Co-founder of Wikileaks, his subsequent arrest has even violated the right of his alleged victims from receiving their day in court. We have seen internet shutdowns, especially during elections, become a norm, with the 3rd industrial revolution looming, internet shutdowns also mean press shutdowns stories don’t reach communities.

Provincialization of community media.

In an era where we see many community radios and TV platforms becoming commercial without the paperwork and local politicians sitting in board member seats in community radio stations instead of community members. The love your community radio campaign has become an olive branch, assisting even radio stations to tackle internal governance issues that have allowed for the exclusion of communities for community media. All these efforts are to ensure that the press is free and remains independent that the press remains monopolised by politicians.

Launch of Love Your community media Campaign.

Although it may be a dim period and freedom of expression along with the right to independent free press may seem under attack. We have seen more and more journalists and communities grow and become brave investigative journalists giving new life and a bigger community voice to press. We have seen more communities use their right to freedom of expression, more communities writing and commenting on their stories even on community radios. 2019 seems to be the year where society takes back the press and ensures it is free, fair and governments protect the right to free press.  We have seen the successful launch of the love your community media campaign, the main focus has been on radio and involving communities in community radio and educating the communities on community media. Assisting communities making community press free, fair and diverse but most importantly ensuring that community media is in the hands of communities. 

This year we encourage communities and grassroots movements and organizations to exercise their right to free press. We call on the president of the republic to speak out and take strong decisive action against those that violate and abuse journalists as it is a direct violation of free press. We urge the president as his office sits in the UN Security Council, to encourage strong harsh action against those countries that violate press freedom by intimidating and abusing media and journalists.



For Comment:

Lazola Kati – Communication Rights Focus Organizer: 0729567753

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