Category: Right to Communicate

UN body condemns SA spying laws and impunity for Marikana

UN body condemns SA spying laws and impunity for Marikana

SA government must start respecting human rights! Stop surveillance, protect activists, and prosecute the Marikana murderers R2K welcomes the UN Human Rights Committee’s hard-hitting report on South Africa’s record on civil and political rights....

R2K Statement: UN Human Rights Committee to review South Africa’s record on surveillance and privacy issues!

R2K Statement: UN Human Rights Committee to review South Africa’s record on surveillance and privacy issues!

On Monday 7 March 2016, the United Nations Human Rights Committee will review of South Africa’s human rights record and its implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Article 17 of...

Submission: Right to Privacy to the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Submission: Right to Privacy to the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Right2Know together with Privacy International and the Association of Progressive Communicators submitted suggestions for right to privacy-related questions for the consideration of the periodic report of South Africa at Human Rights Committee, 116th Session, 7 –...

No more interference, no more delays! Hands off the Inspector-General’s appointment process!

No more interference, no more delays! Hands off the Inspector-General’s appointment process!

No more unchecked spy secrecy – Appoint a watchdog as Inspector-General! In 2016, the saga of the empty watchdog office continues: Parliament’s intelligence committee has denied that President Zuma urged MPs to support Cecil...