Category: Right to Communicate

Friday National Action: R2K to Picket against the State Security Agency!

Friday National Action: R2K to Picket against the State Security Agency!

Friday National Action: Right2Know to Picket against the State Security Agency! Where: CAPE TOWNParliament, 120 Plein Street PRETORIASSA office, Bogare Building, 2 Atterbury Road Menlyn DURBAN SAPS Headquarters, 15 Ordnance Street Time: 12:00-13:00 11:00-12:30 11:00-13:00   R2K...

Zenzeleni: Do it Yourself (An Introduction to Community Telecoms Networks)

Zenzeleni: Do it Yourself (An Introduction to Community Telecoms Networks)

Zenzeleni: Do it Yourself is an introduction to Community Telecommunications Networks. The booklet tells the story of Zenzeleni Networks Mankosi, a village co-operative that came together to build and maintain its own telecommunications network and offer...

Does govt have ‘Grabber’ technology? We demand answers!

R2K is demanding answers after a series of news reports shed light on the use of a “super-surveillance gadget” called the Grabber, capable of mass surveillance without any oversight or protection for people’s privacy....