Category: Right to Communicate

R2K Submission on Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill

R2K Submission on Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill

Right2Know Submission on the Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill 1 Introduction The Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill (the Bill) seeks to replace the apartheid-era National Key Points Act, on the back of growing criticism of the...

Statement: Shadow of the Secrecy Bill – no to SSA censorship threats!

Statement: Shadow of the Secrecy Bill – no to SSA censorship threats!

Shadow of the Secrecy Bill – no to SSA censorship threats! R2K rejects the State Security Agency’s desperate threats against the publishers of The President’s Keepers, written by veteran investigative journalist Jacques Pauw. Today...

R2K condemns possible ousting of Zelda Holtzman by Parliament!

R2K condemns possible ousting of Zelda Holtzman by Parliament!

R2K is dismayed by the continued victimisation of Parliamentary whistleblower Zelda Holtzman, after a disciplinary inquiry has recommended her dismissal. This comes two years after Holtzman was suspended. We remain convinced that the attempts...