Category: Campaign Updates

Who monitors the spies?

Who monitors the spies?

This article below was published by the Weekend Argus  NEWS/POLITICS /  14 February 2016 at 15:17pm By: ZENZILE KHOISAN Cape Town – The position of inspector general of intelligence has been vacant since advocate Faith Radebe left...

Submission: Right to Privacy to the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Submission: Right to Privacy to the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Right2Know together with Privacy International and the Association of Progressive Communicators submitted suggestions for right to privacy-related questions for the consideration of the periodic report of South Africa at Human Rights Committee, 116th Session, 7 –...

#SONA2016: A nation waits

#SONA2016: A nation waits

This article below was published by THE-STAR  11 February 2016 at 07:01am By: SIYABONGA MKHWANAZI Parliament – Tight security measures around Parliament and its precinct ahead of Thursday’s State of the Nation address (Sona) have given...